Created: September, 2023
Dimensions: 1920 x 1080 px
Skills Used: Animation / Logo Design
Class: After Effects For Animators
The prompt for this project was to create a logo animation for a made up company.
Project Goals
My goal for this project to was to create a logo and animation for a company called Freshly which specializes in showing healthy recipes and how to cook them along with being able to track calories and help people maintain a diet. I wanted to implement natural motion to relate to the subject matter of the application.
Tools Used
Illustrator ···
After Effects ·····
Premiere Pro ··
What I Learned
Through this project, I learned a lot about what makes an effective logo animation. I learned how to create natural and fluid looking animation and learned about keyframe velocity as well as the use of trim paths and text animators to create an effective logo animation.